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[TOEFL][Writing] Q2 Practice: Organic farming vs Conventional farming, Online education vs traditional education, Learning new language

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 8. 15.

Q2. Organic farming vs Conventional farming


I staunchly advocate for [organic farming] because of its [environmental and health] benefits. [Organic farming] is the best determinant of [sustainable agriculture], but [conventional farming] also conveys the [economic factor].


A [farmer] who [practices organic farming], even if they do not [produce] as [much] as [conventional farming], demonstrates that they [care about the environment] and that they aspire to [provide healthy food]. A [farmer] who [practice conventional farming], even if they excel in [productivity and profit], may not possess a [social responsibility] or may encounter [environmental and ethical] issues.


Therefore, I think [the government] should acknowledge [organic farming] as well as [conventional farming], because both are indispensable for [food security] and [rural development]. Moreover, I think this approach would cultivate a [harmonious] environment where [farmers] are motivated to [adopt best practices] and collaborate with each other.


Q2. Online education vs traditional education


I staunchly advocate for [online education] because of its [flexibility and accessibility]. [Online education] is the best determinant of [lifelong learning], but [traditional education] also conveys the [social factor].


A [student] who [pursues online edcuation], even if they do not [interact] as [much] as [traditional education], demonstrates that they [are self-directed] and that they aspire to [enhance their skills]. A [student] who [pursues traditional education], even if they excel in [academic performance and socialization], may not possess a [global perspective] or may encounter [geographical and fianancial barriers].


Therefore, I think [the educators] should acknowledge [online education] as wll as [traditional education], because both are inidispensable for [educatioanl equity] and quality. Moreover, I think this approach would cultivate a [diverse environment] where [students] are motivated to [explore various opportunities] and collaborate with each other.


Q2. Learning new language


I staunchly advocate for [learning a foreign language] because [it is the most effective determinant of cultural understading], but [it] also conveys the [challenges of mastering a new language].


A [student] who [learns a foreign language], even if they [do not become fluent], demonstrates that they [are open-minded] and that they aspire to [communicate with people from different backgrounds. A [student] who [does not learn a foreigen language], even if they excel in [other subjects], may not possess a [global perspective] or may miss out on [opportunities for personal and professional growth.]


Therefore, I think [educators] should acknowledge [the benefits of  learning a foreign language] as well as [the difficulties], because both are indispensable for [fostering interculture competence] and [coginitive flexibility]. Moreover, I think this approach would cultivate a [dynamic] environment where [students] are motivated to [explore new culture] and collaborate with each other.