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[TOEFL][Speaking] Test3 correction [Q1] - My answer People might have different opinion person to person. I personally agree with the statement. And this agreement stems from my personal experience. Whenever I start to lose my focus whem I'm doing programming or studying, I usually listen to music to get my focus back and this really helpful. Also, Artist's products and design tools are helpful to release my stress. So Artist and.. 2023. 9. 16.
[English][Writing] Good, Paraphrase, Daily Paraphrase 1 [Good paraphrase]A good paraphrase does more than just changing verbs or nouns. Here are some key aspects of a successful paraphrase:Preserve the original meaning: The main goal of paraphrasing is to restate the same idea in a different way, not to change the idea itself.Use different structure and words: A good paraphrase should change both the sentence structure and words used, while maintaini.. 2023. 9. 14.
[TOEFL][Speaking][Writing] Opinion, explanation, Hypothetical, Assertion [Opinion] - general I believe that... "I believe that everyone should have access to free healthcare." In my opinion,... "In my opinion, the government should invest more in renewable energy sources." I think that... "I think that we need to take immediate action to address climate change." It seems to me that... "It seems to me that people are becoming more conscious about their environmental f.. 2023. 9. 13.
[TOEFL][Voca] Paraphrase Practice 6 # ease up = lessen, decrease, relax, diminish, subside, alleviateEase up (verb)One sentence explanation: "Ease up" means to reduce in degree, speed, or intensity; to become less severe.Connotation/Formality level: Informal; used in casual conversations.Example sentence: The rain began to ease up after a few hours.Lessen (verb)One sentence explanation: "Lessen" refers to make or become less; dimi.. 2023. 9. 12.
[TOEFL][Voca] Paraphrase practice 4 offset = v. balance, counter, counterbalance, make up/ n. balance, counterbalance, counteraction, neutralizer As verbs: Offset: One sentence explanation: To offset means to counteract something by having an effect that is opposite but equal in size or amount. Connotation/Formal Level: Neutral connotation; used in both formal and informal contexts. Example sentence: "The higher cost of organic go.. 2023. 9. 10.
[TOEFL][Voca] Paraphrase Practice 2 assign = delegate, specify, appoint, designate Assign: "The teacher will assign homework every Monday." Explanation: "Assign" is a general term that refers to giving someone a task or duty. It's often used in educational or professional settings. Delegate: "As the project manager, it's your job to delegate tasks to your team members." Explanation: "Delegate" specifically refers to entrusting tas.. 2023. 9. 7.
[TOEFL][Speaking][Writing] Final Templates [Speaking] Q1. I believe that this topic is quite intriguing and debatable. While there are merits on both sides, I personally lean toward the perspective of preferring [Option A]. When it comes to [Option B], I find that I don't have any liking for this option. I opt for [Option A], because it has been shown to be more effective in [] and []. This preference aligns with my personality. I'm some.. 2023. 8. 25.
[TOEFL][Reading][Listening] 풀이법 정리 기출 문제들을 몇 번 풀어보고나니 어떻게 풀면 조금 더 쉽게쉽게 풀 수 있을지 감이 조금 잡혀서 기록해놓는다 [Reading] Page 이동이 가능한 유일한 시험, 이 장점을 살리는 게 중요하다. 지문을 읽기 전에 확인해야 하는 건 1. 문장 삽입 문제가 어디 있는지 2. 마지막 11번 문제 노트 테이킹 3. 보기는 소거법으로 제거하고, 지문에 있는 단어가 사용된 함정 지문을 조심하자 하나하나 문제에 해당하는 지문을 읽으면서 풀이하면 된다. 되게 간단하지만 그닥 쉽지는 않다. [Listening] 다들 듣는 거 자체는 크게 무리가 없을 수 있다. 문제는 생각보다 오래 들어야 한다는 것, 그리고 그 수 많은 정보 속에서 문제에 사용될 정보들만 쏙쏙 골라들어야 하는데, 이게 생각보다 어렵다. 내가 노트테이킹.. 2023. 8. 19.
[TOEFL][Speaking][Writing] Practice with templates [Speaking] Q1. I believe that this topic is quite intriguing and debatable. While there are merits on both sides, I personally lean toward the perspective of preferring teaching in a university. When it comes to teaching in an elementary school, I find that I don't have any liking for this option. I opt for teaching in a university because it has been shown to be more effective in researching an.. 2023. 8. 18.
[TOEFL][Speaking] Q4 Practice: Adaptation in extreme environments, Problem-solving, Artificial intelligence in modern technology Eg.1 adaptation in extreme environments The speaker elaborates on two distinct examples that elucidate the concept of adaptation in extreme environments. Commencing with the first instance, the lecturer imparts knowledge concerning the remarkable survival mechanisms of the camel. This involves the camel's ability to store water in its humps, which it can utilize during extended periods of water .. 2023. 8. 17.