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[TOEFL][Speaking] Q4 Practice: Adaptation in extreme environments, Problem-solving, Artificial intelligence in modern technology

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 8. 17.

Eg.1 adaptation in extreme environments


The speaker elaborates on two distinct examples that elucidate the concept of adaptation in extreme environments.


Commencing with the first instance, the lecturer imparts knowledge concerning the remarkable survival mechanisms of the camel. This involves the camel's ability to store water in its humps, which it can utilize during extended periods of water scarcity.


Transitioning to the subsequent example, the speaker delves into the arctic fox's adaptation strategies. This entails the arctic fox's seasonal change in fur color to blend with its surroundings, offering effective camouflage.


While there might be subtle differences in specific strategies, in conclusion, the lecture provides intriguing examples of how organisms adapt to thrive in extreme environments.


Eg.2 problem-solving


The speaker elaborates on two distinct examples that elucidate the concept of problem-solving.


Commencing with the first instance, the lecturer imparts knowledge concerning the remarkable features of brainstorming. This concept involves generating a large number of ideas and solutions to a problem, without evaluating them initially.


Transitioning to the subsequent example, the speaker delves into the astonishing features of root cause analysis. This entails identifying the underlying cause of a problem and addressing it directly.


While there might be subtle differences, in conclusion, the lecture provides intriguing examples of problem-solving that can be applied in various situations.


Eg.3 artificial intelligence in modern technology


The speaker elaborates on two distinct examples that elucidate the concept of artificial intelligence in modern technology.

Commencing with the first instance, the lecturer imparts knowledge concerning the remarkable features of natural language processing. These features encompass the ability of machines to comprehend and generate human language, facilitating seamless interactions between humans and technology.

Transitioning to the subsequent example, the speaker delves into the astonishing features of computer vision. These features include machines' capability to interpret visual information from images and videos, enabling tasks like facial recognition and object detection.

While there might be subtle differences, in conclusion, the lecture provides intriguing examples of how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing modern technology.