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[TOEFL][Speaking][Writing] Opinion, explanation, Hypothetical, Assertion

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 9. 13.


- general

  1. I believe that...
    • "I believe that everyone should have access to free healthcare."
  2. In my opinion,...
    • "In my opinion, the government should invest more in renewable energy sources."
  3. I think that...
    • "I think that we need to take immediate action to address climate change."
  4. It seems to me that...
    • "It seems to me that people are becoming more conscious about their environmental footprint."
  5. From my perspective,...
    • "From my perspective, online education provides flexibility and accessibility for many students."
  6. I feel that...
    • "I feel that the media has a significant influence on public opinion."
  7. As far as I'm concerned,...
    • "As far as I'm concerned, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for good health."
  8. Personally, I think/feel/believe…
    • "Personally, I believe it's important for children to learn about different cultures from an early age."
  9. My view on this is...
    • "My view on this is clear: we must prioritize sustainable practices in our daily lives."

- possibility

  1. While some people may think..., I believe...
    • "While some people may think that technology is making people less social, I believe it's actually providing us with more ways to connect with each other."
  2. Despite the fact that..., in my view...
    • "Despite the fact that online learning offers more flexibility, in my view, face-to-face interaction in a traditional classroom setting is still crucial for effective learning."
  3. Although it could be argued that..., from my standpoint...
    • "Although it could be argued that automation will lead to job losses, from my standpoint, it also opens up opportunities for new jobs in tech and other industries."

- show respect

  1. I see where you're coming from, but…
    • "I see where you're coming from, but I believe that implementing stricter gun control laws will help reduce violence."
  2. That's a valid point, however…
    • "That's a valid point, however, I still think that renewable energy sources are a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution in the long run."
  3. I understand your point of view, but personally…
    • "I understand your point of view on the benefits of homeschooling, but personally, I feel that traditional schools provide more opportunities for social interaction and extracurricular activities."



  1. Define: To specify the meaning of something.
    • "Let me first define what we mean by 'sustainable development'."
  2. Illustrate: To make something clear by using examples, charts, pictures etc.
    • "To illustrate this point further, let's consider the case of renewable energy sources."
  3. Elaborate: To give more details about something.
    • "I would like to elaborate on this by mentioning a recent study conducted by Harvard University."
  4. Clarify: To make something easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation.
    • "Allow me to clarify; what I meant was that we need more stringent regulations in place."
  5. Demonstrate: To show how to do something, or how something works.
    • "This example demonstrates how crucial communication is in effective teamwork."
  6. Emphasize: To give special importance or value to something in speaking or writing.
    • "I want to emphasize the importance of education in shaping our society."
  7. Explain: Make an idea or situation plain or clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
    • "Let me explain with an example from real life situations."
  8. Highlight: To make or try to make people notice or be aware of someone or something; emphasize
    • "I'd like to highlight the role social media plays in influencing public opinion today."


[potencial, hypothetical]

  1. Possible: Able to be done or achieved.
    • "It's possible that we may see an increase in remote work even after the pandemic."
  2. Likely: Such as well might happen or be true; probable.
    • "If we continue to ignore climate change, it is likely that we will face severe consequences."
  3. Could: Used to indicate possibility.
    • "With further research, we could find a cure for this disease."
  4. Might: Used to express possibility.
    • "If you practice regularly, you might improve your TOEFL score significantly."
  5. Potential: Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.
    • "The potential benefits of this technology are immense."
  6. Hypothetical: Of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis (a supposition made as a starting point for further investigation).
    • "In a hypothetical scenario where resources are unlimited, our approach would be different."
  7. If...then structure (used for conditional sentences):
    • "If we invest more in education now, then our society will reap the benefits in the future."
    • "If one practices regularly and understands the format of TOEFL exam well then achieving a high score is quite feasible."



  1. Assert: To state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
    • "I assert that studying everyday is crucial to mastering a new language."
  2. Claim: To state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
    • "Some people claim that technology is harmful to society."
  3. Argue: Give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory.
    • "I would argue that regular exercise contributes significantly to overall well-being."
  4. Maintain: To state something strongly and insist on it being true.
    • "Despite opposing views, I maintain my position on the importance of environmental conservation."
  5. Contend: To assert something as a position in an argument.
    • "Many experts contend that renewable energy sources are key to addressing climate change."
  6. State: Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
    • "She stated her opinion about the policy quite clearly during the discussion."
  7. Propose: Put forward (a plan or suggestion) for consideration by others
    • "He proposed a different approach to solve this problem which involved collaboration with other teams."