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[TOEFL][Speaking] Test3 correction

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 9. 16.


- My answer

People might have different opinion person to person. I personally agree with the statement. And this agreement stems from my personal experience. Whenever I start to lose my focus whem I'm doing programming or studying, I usually listen to music to get my focus back and this really helpful. Also, Artist's products and design tools are helpful to release my stress. So Artist and musicians can be beneficial to society. 


- Correction

People's opinions might differ from person to person. I personally agree with the statement, and this agreement stems from my own experience. Whenever I start to lose focus while programming or studying, I usually listen to music to regain my concentration, which proves really helpful. Additionally, artists' products and design tools help relieve my stress. Therefore, artists and musicians can indeed be beneficial to society.

As for grading your response according to TOEFL standards:

  • Task Fulfillment: Good (You clearly state your opinion and provide reasons.)
  • Grammar: Fair (There were several minor errors.)
  • Vocabulary: Good (You use appropriate vocabulary for this task.)
  • Coherence/Cohesion: Good (Your ideas are logically organized.)


- My answer

According to the reading passage and conversation, it seems like there will be a change in college multimedia devices for interesting classes and convinent use. The man in the conversation expresses disagreement with this decision, giving 2 reasons.

First, The change of electronical devices cannot make student interest. The important thing is contents not electronical devices. Furthermore, college is having hard time to mange their assets, so expense cannot justify for just convient devices. His disagreement stems from these things.



- Correction

According to the reading passage and conversation, it seems like there will be a change in college multimedia devices for more interesting classes and convenient use. The man in the conversation expresses disagreement with this decision, giving two reasons.

Firstly, he believes that changing electronic devices will not necessarily increase student interest. He argues that content is more important than electronic devices. Furthermore, he points out that colleges are having a hard time managing their assets; therefore, additional expenses cannot be justified merely for convenient devices. His disagreement stems from these concerns.


As for grading your response according to TOEFL standards:

  • Task Fulfillment: Good (You clearly state the man's opinion and provide his reasons.)
  • Grammar: Fair (There were several minor errors.)
  • Vocabulary: Good (You use appropriate vocabulary for this task.)
  • Coherence/Cohesion: Good (Your ideas are logically organized.)



- My answer

There is a marketing concept that uses geological features for branding and to increas their sales. We call this concept as 'place marketing'. In the lecture, the lecturer provides how to cities attract tourists. Firstly, cities usually use there distinctive features. For instance, in winter, they decorate buildings snow things, and they usually held snow festival or snow markets. After that, they can see positive effects like reputation increase or they can be more renowned. Furthermore, net revenue of the city will increase, city also will be exemplary of snow festival.


- Correction

There is a marketing concept that uses geographical features for branding to increase sales. This concept is known as 'place marketing'. In the lecture, the lecturer explains how cities attract tourists. Firstly, cities typically use their distinctive features. For instance, in winter, they decorate buildings with snow-themed items and usually hold snow festivals or snow markets. Following these events, they often see positive effects such as an increased reputation or becoming more renowned. Furthermore, the net revenue of the city increases and it can become an exemplary model for hosting snow festivals.


As for grading your response according to TOEFL standards:

  • Task Fulfillment: Good (You clearly state main points from lecture.)
  • Grammar: Fair (There were several minor errors.)
  • Vocabulary: Good (You use appropriate vocabulary for this task.)
  • Coherence/Cohesion: Good (Your ideas are logically organized.)



-My answer

Sea animals sometimes work together for their same goal. The lecture gives examples of this cooperation. Fistly, the bottle nose dophins cooperate for their hunting. 1 dolphin drives prey by using their tale, the others make barriers and catch them. and this is a kind of hunting process. Otherwise, enchovies use cooperative works to protect themselves from predators. They mimic other sea animals behavior, it makes great chance of escaping. They can protect themselves by cooperating. 


- Correction

Sea animals sometimes work together to achieve a common goal. The lecture gives examples of this cooperation. Firstly, bottlenose dolphins cooperate during hunting. One dolphin drives prey using its tail while others form barriers and catch them; this is part of their hunting process. On the other hand, anchovies use cooperative strategies to protect themselves from predators. They mimic behaviors of other sea animals, which greatly increases their chances of escaping. Thus, they can protect themselves through cooperation.


As for grading your response according to TOEFL standards:

  • Task Fulfillment: Good (You clearly state main points from lecture.)
  • Grammar: Good (Minor errors were corrected.)
  • Vocabulary: Good (You use appropriate vocabulary for this task.)
  • Coherence/Cohesion: Good (Your ideas are logically organized.)