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[TOEFL][Speaking] Templates

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 8. 8.

1.  2 kinds of opinions (Ex. agree / disagree)


I believe this is a topic that maybe controversial. Because each opinion may have its own logic(Advantage), so quite hard to reach a conclusion. But i personally prefer to ~ because ~.

This topic reminds me of when I was in high school (personal experience)

Back then, I used to ~

And through that experience I was able to ~

Due to my personal experience, I (dis)agree with the given question saying that ~


2. Opinion about passage


According to the conversation, the (wo)man (dis)agree with the (organization)'s decision to ~ {Passage summary}

(S)he gives two reasons to explain (her)his point.

First of all, ~

Also, ~

For these reasons, (s)he (dis)agree with the (organization)'s new plan.


3. Explain concept about specific concept


According to the reading {Passage Summary}

(1) The professor explains this concept by giving (several) example(s).

(2) The professor explains this concept by giving an example of an experiment.


First of all, the professor points out that ~

Also, the professor says~


4. 2 examples about topic


According to the lecture, the professor talks about {topic} by giving tow examples.

First of all, the professor brings up ~

For example ~

Also, the professor mentions ~

For example ~


[Template generated by ChatGPT]




Absolutely, I can provide you with several versions of the template for TOEFL Speaking Question 1 that involve two kinds of opinions (agree/disagree). This way, you can have some variety in your responses while still following a structured approach. 

**Version 1: Agree**

I find this topic to be quite intriguing and open to debate. Both perspectives, agreeing and disagreeing, hold their own merits, making it a challenging topic to take a firm stance on. However, after careful consideration, I am inclined to agree with the notion that ~. The reasons for my agreement are rooted in both logical reasoning and personal experience. 

As I reflect on my own life, specifically my time in high school, I can't help but recall how ~. This personal experience has significantly shaped my view on the matter, as it taught me that ~. Drawing from this experience, I find that my perspective aligns with the assertion that ~. 

**Version 2: Disagree**

The topic under discussion is certainly thought-provoking and could lead to diverse opinions. On one hand, there are valid arguments in favor of ~, but on the other hand, the opposite viewpoint carries its own weight. Personally, I hold a contrary opinion, leaning towards disagreeing with the statement. 

Bringing to mind my high school days, I can vividly remember a time when ~. This experience has left an indelible impression on me, helping me understand that ~. In light of this personal encounter, I must respectfully dissent from the provided assertion that ~. 

**Version 3: Balanced Consideration**

This topic is undoubtedly a complex one, inviting a multitude of perspectives. Finding a definitive answer is no easy task, as both sides – agreeing and disagreeing – bring forth compelling arguments. After careful contemplation, I am inclined to strike a balance between the two opinions, recognizing the value in each. 

Recalling my high school years, I recall a scenario where ~. This experience enriched my understanding of ~. In light of this personal encounter, I believe that there is validity in both agreeing and disagreeing with the statement that ~. The key lies in discerning the context and considering various factors. 

Remember that the main goal is to present a well-organized response with clear reasons and examples, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Adapting these templates to suit your own experiences and thoughts will help you create genuine and well-structured responses in the TOEFL Speaking section. 




Of course, here are several versions of the template for TOEFL Speaking Question 2, where you express an opinion about a passage: 

**Version 1: Disagree**

From what I gathered in the conversation, it's evident that the individual disagrees with the decision made by the organization regarding ~. The reasons behind this dissent are explained through two main points. 

To begin with, the person voices their concern that ~. This suggests that ~. Additionally, the conversation highlights the point that ~. This implies that ~. Considering these factors, it's clear why the person does not concur with the organization's new plan. 

**Version 2: Agree**

As indicated by the dialogue, it's apparent that the person agrees with the organization's decision pertaining to ~, as mentioned in the passage summary. This support is substantiated through two primary arguments. 

Firstly, the individual points out that ~. This implies that ~. Furthermore, the conversation underscores the fact that ~. This suggests that ~. Taking these factors into account, it's apparent why the person aligns with the organization's new plan. 

**Version 3: Balanced Perspective**

Based on the conversation, it's clear that the individual has a mixed viewpoint regarding the organization's decision concerning ~. The individual presents two key reasons to clarify their stance. 

In the first place, the person acknowledges that ~. This implies that ~. Moreover, the conversation highlights the concern that ~. This suggests that ~. With these factors in mind, it's evident that the individual's opinion is a nuanced one, taking both sides of the argument into consideration. 

Remember, while using these templates, it's important to make sure your responses are relevant to the content of the passage and the conversation. Be sure to use your own words and connect the points logically to create a coherent response that accurately reflects the information provided in the passage and the conversation. 




Certainly, here are various versions of the template for TOEFL Speaking Question 3, where you are asked to explain a specific concept: 

**Version 1: Multiple Examples**

The passage provides insights into the concept of ~, as outlined in the passage summary. The professor in the conversation elaborates on this concept through the use of several illustrative examples. 

In the initial instance, the professor emphasizes that ~. This indicates that ~. Furthermore, the professor adds that ~. This suggests that ~. These instances serve to elucidate the concept, demonstrating how ~. 

**Version 2: Experimental Example**

The reading presents an understanding of the concept of ~, as described in the passage summary. The professor during the conversation elucidates this concept by referring to a particular experiment. 

To start with, the professor underscores the fact that ~. This implies that ~. Additionally, the professor goes on to mention that ~. This suggests that ~. By referencing this experiment, the concept is effectively explained, showcasing how ~. 

**Version 3: Combined Explanation**

As outlined in the passage summary, the reading introduces the concept of ~. The professor in the conversation employs a combination of examples and an experimental scenario to clarify this concept. 

Firstly, the professor highlights the key aspect that ~. This signifies that ~. Furthermore, the professor introduces the idea that ~. This implies that ~. By weaving together these diverse explanations, the concept is comprehensively detailed, illustrating how ~. 

In your responses, make sure to accurately convey the content of the passage and the examples or experiments provided by the professor. Connect the points logically and concisely, showcasing your ability to comprehend and explain complex concepts effectively. 




Certainly, here are several versions of the template for TOEFL Speaking Question 4, where you are asked to provide two examples about a specific topic: 

**Version 1: Environmental Impact**

In the lecture, the professor discusses the topic of environmental impact by presenting two illustrative examples.

Initially, the professor introduces the concept of ~. For instance, ~. This case demonstrates how ~. Furthermore, the professor goes on to mention ~. For example, ~. This emphasizes the point that ~. 

**Version 2: Communication Strategies**

The lecture revolves around the topic of communication strategies, with the professor offering two pertinent examples.

To begin, the professor delves into the importance of ~. As an illustration, ~. This instance underscores how ~. Additionally, the professor highlights ~. For example, ~. This further solidifies the notion that ~. 

**Version 3: Economic Trends**

In the lecture, the professor elaborates on the topic of economic trends through two comprehensive examples.

Firstly, the professor discusses the phenomenon of ~. For instance, ~. This exemplifies the way ~. Furthermore, the professor addresses ~. As an example, ~. This reinforces the idea that ~. 

Remember to choose examples that are relevant to the topic discussed in the lecture and provide clear explanations for each example you present. Your task is to effectively convey your understanding of the topic and your ability to use examples to support your points.