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[TOEFL][Speaking] Test 6 Correction

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 9. 21.

Well, I personally lean towards choosing a university education. One personal reason is that I've experienced it firsthand.

For instance, before entering university, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. But after graduation, I came to understnad what I wanted exactly, and thanks to that experience, I have been able to lead a self-directd life. If I were confined in Company buliding, maybe I didn't know they my interest and purpose  of the life.

So, based on this reason, I believe that choosing a university education might be the better choice for me.

- Correction

Well, I personally lean towards choosing a university education. Primary reason is that I've experienced it firsthand.

For instance, before entering university, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. But after graduation, I came to understand my true interests and life's purpose more clearly. This experience has enabled me to lead a self-directed life. If I were confined in a company building instead of attending university, perhaps I wouldn't have discovered my interests and life's purpose.

So based on this reason, I believe that choosing a university education might be the better choice for me.


The reading passage and the conversation talk about a change in computer lab's rules. And the woman in the conversation agree with this decision, presenting some reasons.

The first reason why she supports this policy is that it could be helpful to solve previous problem that she has experienced. She argues that by appyling this policy meaningless uses of computer will be decrease, as a result, time management of each students will become easier.


Also, another reason is that it could be helpful to solve congestion problem. She anticipates that the new policy would notice status or location of empty computers and increase availablity of each computers.

So, based on these reasons, she believes that the change in the rules might be the better choice.    


- Correction*

The reading passage and the conversation discuss a change in the computer lab's rules. The woman in the conversation agrees with this decision, presenting some reasons.

The first reason she supports this policy is that it could help solve a previous problem that she has experienced. She argues that by applying this policy, meaningless uses of computers will decrease, making time management easier for each student.

Another reason is that it could help solve the congestion problem. She anticipates that under the new policy, students would be able to see the status or location of empty computers, thereby increasing their availability.


So based on these reasons, she believes that changing the rules might be the better choice.




