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[Expressions] 10/25 Essay, Netflix

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 10. 25.

- unorthodox

= unconventional


- scheme

= (a large scale systematic)plan


- Allegedly

: 그렇게 의심을 받고 있어, 그런 혐의가 있다고 얘기되고 있지 정도의 느낌


- be of

: I am of the opinion that the future may see a deterioration in people's health compared to their current state.

여기서는 possess 정도의 느낌이지 않을까


- on the rise

The consumption of fast food is on the rise, and indulgence in sweets and chocolates it becomng a common habit. 


- sedentary

= sitting, seated / to spend much time seated


- exacerbate

= make worse