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[English Diary Club] A letter A letter, it is just small sheet of paper. But if we write something on this, then it could change into a powerful thing. We can share our mind and heart. Before I leave Tokyo, I wanted to give letters for my friend. So I wrote 22 letters for my friend. I gave that while we are eathing dinner and It was a big honor to watch that they look so happy. It wasnt just a piece of paper. It was the memo.. 2023. 7. 12.
[English Diary Club] Last Matsuri and CA 원문: I’ve been to Japanese Matsuri place. And I think it could be the last matsuri for me. Because, from now on, I only have four days, and I think I will not come back to Japan. If I decide to visit Japan again, then It would be Sapporo. But I would like to go to the U.S for doing Master program. Now, I’m preparing that. Living in CA is one of my dream, so I will do my best to go CA. God helps t.. 2023. 7. 10.
[English Diary Club]Ghosting Some European said Korean really good at ghosting. But I don't think so. I cannot agree. It's a kind of cultural difference. 'Let's have dinner someday' it could be a kind of greeting or 'saying hello' for Korean. And especially, after exchaging numbers, we usually dont contact right away. It's different. Correction: Some Europeans claim that Koreans are skilled at ghosting, but I respectfully d.. 2023. 7. 5.
[English Diary Club] About love Human relationship is quite hard. And especially, Love is really really hard. Loving someone needs ability to understand total stranger. At the first, everyone can do it. Because of hormones, effort or undefining power of love. As time goes by, people change, start to dicriminate each other. To yell at each other and get angry. Even those who thought they fit well, they find out that they don't .. 2023. 7. 3.
Hug 원문: A hug is a universal language of connection and comfort that transcends words. It is an embrace that conveys love, support, and empathy. When we hug someone, we offer a physical and emotional gesture that brings warmth and solace. In that brief moment, a hug has the power to uplift spirits, ease worries, and mend broken hearts. 한국어로: 포옹은 연결과 편안함을 상징하는 그리고 언어를 초월하는 보편적인 신체적 언어이다. 사랑, 응원, 공감의 .. 2023. 7. 1.
Diet and well-being 원문: 식생활과 건강은 밀접한 관련이 있는 주제이다. 우리의 식습관과 음식 선택은 우리의 건강과 웰빙에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 다양하고 균형 잡힌 식단은 영양소를 공급하고 면역 체계를 강화하는데 도움을 준다. 신선한 과일과 채소, 영양가 있는 단백질과 식이 섬유를 함유한 식품을 선택하는 것이 중요하다. 영어로: Diet and well-being is deeply related. Our diet and preference for food directly influence health and well-being. It could be helpful to maintein various and balanced diet for nutrition and immune system. The most importan.. 2023. 6. 29.
Tesla | Machine Learning Engineer – 3D computer vision, Autopilot AI What to Expect You will be part of a team of computer vision experts that research, design, implement, optimize, and deploy neural networks and computer vision algorithms that advance the state of the art in perception for autonomous driving. What You’ll Do Train neural networks for autonomous driving tasks, such as object detection, pose estimation, depth estimation, keypoint detection & tracki.. 2023. 6. 26.
Water 원문: Water is the essence of life, a precious resource that sustains all living beings on our planet. It flows through rivers, streams, and oceans, quenching our thirst, nourishing the earth, and supporting ecosystems. Its transparent and fluid nature symbolizes purity, clarity, and renewal. Water possesses remarkable versatility, seamlessly adapting to its surroundings, whether it takes the form.. 2023. 6. 25.
Goodbye party 원문: A goodbye party is a bittersweet gathering that marks the departure of someone dear from our lives. It is a time to celebrate the memories shared, the bonds formed, and the experiences that have shaped our relationships. Friends, family, and colleagues come together to bid farewell and express their gratitude and well-wishes. Laughter, tears, and heartfelt speeches fill the air as we reminis.. 2023. 6. 23.
라멘 원문: Ramen, a beloved dish that originated in Japan, has captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide. This flavorful noodle soup, consisting of a rich broth, springy noodles, and a variety of toppings, offers a satisfying and comforting experience. Each bowl of ramen is a work of art, carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail. The broth, whether it's miso, soy sauce, or .. 2023. 6. 22.