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Is death in an area of autonomy?

by ICHBINLUCAS 2023. 5. 21.

문장당 고민 시간 최대 3초, 바로바로 입으로, 머리로 변환하는 것 연습하기.



태어나는 건 선택할 수 없지만, 죽음은 선택할 수 있다. 어쩌면 자기결정권의 영역일 수도. 누군가에게 삶이 너무 고통이라면, 죽음을 통해서 초연해질 수 있다. 죽음으로 가는 과정 자체가 엄청난 두려움을 수반할텐데, 그걸 이겨내고 죽음을 선택하는 거라면 삶이 그것 이상으로 힘들었다는 증거 아닐까? 인류, 더 나아가 생명체 중 그 누구도, 그 어떤 생명체도 원해서 태어난 것은 아니다. 원하지 않는 일을 하는 게 다들 얼마나 힘든지 잘 알 것이다. 그런데 삶 자체가 그렇다면? 그렇기에 서로가 서로에게 조금 더 친절하고 배려해주는 사회가 되었으면 좋겠다. 서로가 조금씩 노력하고 인지한다면, 살아가고 싶은 사회를 만들 수 있지 않을까? 도움을 줄 수 있는 게 교육의 영역이라 생각한다. 이 생각을 할 때마다 허준이 교수님의 축사가 떠오른다.

무례와 혐오와 경쟁과 분열과 비교와 나태와 허무의 달콤함에 길들지 말길, 의미와 무의미의 온갖 폭력을 이겨내고 하루하루를 온전히 경험하길, 그 끝에서 오래 기다리고 있는 낯선 나를 아무 아쉬움 없이 맞이하길 바랍니다.



We cannot choose to be born, but we can choose death. It could be autonomy. If life is extremly painful to someone, then one could be remain aloof from life. The way to go to death has unexpected fear, one's life could be even painful than we expected. So that is the main reason that one chooses death. In humanity, no one can choose to be born, even animals and all creatures. we already know that it is really hard to do what we don't want to do. But, what if life is like that? It's going to be a pain that goes beyond our expectations. Therefore, we should be kind and respect each other, also make society that we want to live in. we can make that with recognition and effort. Education will be helpful. I always remind Prof June Huh's graduation congratulatory address when i think about this.


"Don't be tamed by rudeness, hatred, competition, division, comparison, laziness, and the sweetness of futility. Overcome all kinds of violence, meaningful or meaningless, and experience each day fully. I hope you will welcome the unfamiliar self that has been waiting for you at the end, without any regret."


GPT Correction:

We do not have the choice to be born, but we do have the ability to choose death, which is an expression of autonomy. When life becomes unbearably painful for someone, they may choose to detach themselves from it. The path to death is filled with unexpected fears, and one's life may be even more painful than anticipated if they choose it. This is the primary reason why some opt for death. In humanity, no one can choose to be born, not even animals or other creatures. We are well aware of the challenges of doing something we do not wish to do. However, what if life itself is filled with such challenges? It would be a pain that surpasses our expectations. Therefore, it is crucial to be kind, respectful, and create a society in which we want to live. This can be achieved through understanding and effort, and education can play a vital role in this process. When contemplating these matters, I am often reminded of Professor June Huh's graduation congratulatory address.


"Don't be tamed by rudeness, hatred, competition, division, comparison, laziness, and the sweetness of futility. Overcome all kinds of violence, meaningful or meaningless, and experience each day fully. I hope you will welcome the unfamiliar self that has been waiting for you at the end, without any regret."


모르는 단어, 문장:

초연하다: remain aloof

그런데 삶 자체가 그렇다면? : But, what if life is life that?

우리의 예상을 뛰어넘는 고통일 것이다: It is going to be a pain that goes beyond our expectations.

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